MMM is not a company. MMM is not a business. There is no boss or owner in MMM.
MMM is a international socially oriented society. It is free and self regulated system.
The website of MMM and the virtual accounts are just the tools that are created so that people can help each other voluntarily. The program collects the database of people which are asking for help at any point in time. At the same time, the program finds other people who are ready to provide such help. All the money that have been transferred from one account to another is this help that you are ready to provide to others without expecting anything back. Such help is purely voluntary, made with the free will of the helper. Such help is done without any compensation back to helper.
The fact that you provided help to someone does not make anybody else have to help you. All the participants should know this. They should never participate in MMM if they are not ready to donate their money to other participants.
Anybody who thinks that MMM is a business or a MLM company should not participate at our community. If you are only looking how to earn money somewhere PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN MMM society. MMM is a society of people that united together in order to change the World. They do not have any guarantees of returning their funds. They are donating their money to help other people who need it. The recipients are ordinary people just like they are.
Do not forget about this!
There are no investments in MMM. There are no business activities. There are no any purchases of stock shares, no any relationship with the stock exchange professionals. You are not buying or selling any products here.
There is no income source in MMM. No, no no. There will never be any such source.
All of us are just the voluntary consultants who will never give you any promises or guarantees. There are not clear or unclear guarantees here.
Please do not make a wrong assumption that in MMM you can become rich fast. On the contrary, you may not be helped even if you provided help to someone else before. There are no rules in MMM. We only have recommendations here. It is up to you whether to follow them or not. Nobody can push you to follow them.
Even if you are following all the recommendations you are not safe from loosing all your money that you helped others in MMM. You may not receive anything without any good reason or explanations.
If after you read all the above you are not ready to donate your money to people that you do not know, then we are asking and begging you:
However if you are a crazy person who is ready to make donations despite all the above warnings not to do so. If you decided to participate in MMM (we cannot believe that there are people like that!), then read further down.
MMM is a international socially oriented society. It is free and self regulated system.
The website of MMM and the virtual accounts are just the tools that are created so that people can help each other voluntarily. The program collects the database of people which are asking for help at any point in time. At the same time, the program finds other people who are ready to provide such help. All the money that have been transferred from one account to another is this help that you are ready to provide to others without expecting anything back. Such help is purely voluntary, made with the free will of the helper. Such help is done without any compensation back to helper.
The fact that you provided help to someone does not make anybody else have to help you. All the participants should know this. They should never participate in MMM if they are not ready to donate their money to other participants.
Anybody who thinks that MMM is a business or a MLM company should not participate at our community. If you are only looking how to earn money somewhere PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN MMM society. MMM is a society of people that united together in order to change the World. They do not have any guarantees of returning their funds. They are donating their money to help other people who need it. The recipients are ordinary people just like they are.
Do not forget about this!
There are no investments in MMM. There are no business activities. There are no any purchases of stock shares, no any relationship with the stock exchange professionals. You are not buying or selling any products here.
There is no income source in MMM. No, no no. There will never be any such source.
All of us are just the voluntary consultants who will never give you any promises or guarantees. There are not clear or unclear guarantees here.
Please do not make a wrong assumption that in MMM you can become rich fast. On the contrary, you may not be helped even if you provided help to someone else before. There are no rules in MMM. We only have recommendations here. It is up to you whether to follow them or not. Nobody can push you to follow them.
Even if you are following all the recommendations you are not safe from loosing all your money that you helped others in MMM. You may not receive anything without any good reason or explanations.
If after you read all the above you are not ready to donate your money to people that you do not know, then we are asking and begging you:
However if you are a crazy person who is ready to make donations despite all the above warnings not to do so. If you decided to participate in MMM (we cannot believe that there are people like that!), then read further down.
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